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Home » Oberoi Enacts Battle Plan To Keep Business Going During Coronavirus Crisis

Oberoi Enacts Battle Plan To Keep Business Going During Coronavirus Crisis


Oberoi Business Hub has risen to the challenge of the Coronavirus crisis by investing in technology to enable call handling staff to work seamlessly from home.

Oberoi provides call handling for a wide variety of companies which are affected in different ways by the spread of the virus.

But its owner, Kavita Oberoi, also recognised that some of her staff may need to self-isolate if suffering its symptoms.


She said: “We can reassure both our clients and staff that we now have invested in the systems to enable business continuity for them and us.

“We have already seen a huge increase in calls to specific clients whose services are affected by the outbreak.

“For example, those who provide cleaning, in particular industrial cleaning, are very much in demand.

“We handle calls for a private hospital group whose patients are ringing to see if appointments are going ahead and similarly for charities dealing with patients concerned about the Coronavirus.

“Interestingly, there has been a massive surge for  one of our clients  which loans out gym equipment, because their clients are concerned their usual gyms will be closing.

“Our staff have dealt brilliantly with a 70 per cent increase in calls to those companies and are ensuring business continuity.

“They all work in our office in Derby but we realised that they need the option to work from home if our service is to be maintained, so we invested in an extended system and technology.

“It means we can also react positively if other companies need a back-up system in place. All they need is the flick of a switch to pass calls over to our highly trained team.”