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Oberoi and Accenture Work Together on a Covid-19 Helpline Launched by UK Sepsis Trust

UK Sepsis Trust Covid-19

The UK Sepsis Trust has launched a helpline to offer the best possible information to those affected by Covid-19.

Its “Recovery Response” line was initially available to Sepsis victims but is now extended to anyone who has been ill with the Covid-19 virus and their family.

Overflow calls will be managed by Oberoi Business Hub where additional technology, provided by Accenture, a world leader in artificial intelligence, has been put into place to assist the nursing team to prioritise callers.

Advice will be based on the trust’s “Recovery after Critical Illness” guide and a “Returning to Work Following Critical Illness” booklet.

The UK Sepsis Trust was founded in 2012 with a mission to save lives and improve outcomes for survivors of sepsis.

The charity’s value lies in its expertise, clinical credibility, independence (from Government and business), reputation, and its strong network of partners and stakeholders.

For two years, it has been a partner of Oberoi Business Hub which handles calls for the Trust 24 hours a day as first-line support for the charity’s medical team.

Sepsis is the immune system’s overreaction to an infection or injury which attacks the body’s own organs and tissues and ff not treated immediately, it can result in organ failure and death.

Sepsis kills 48,000 people in England every year.

Evidence suggests that some survivors can be more prone to developing further infections and, therefore, they may be at increased risk of severe illness if they acquire Covid-19.

Trust chief executive Ron Daniels said: “With every major public health crisis, misinformation and fear run rampant.

“The importance of fact-based information is paramount. This is where this helpline comes in.”

Oberoi‘s team had already been working with the Trust to provide important support for its 24-hour helpline – an essential part of the service it provides to many patients and families that have been affected by sepsis.

This has been extended to handle calls from those suffering from Covid-19.

Oberoi Business Hub’s founder, Kavita Oberoi, said: “Since working with The UK Sepsis Trust, our team has become used to handling sensitive calls from distressed callers who need urgent information.

“We ensure that they can receive that, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Thomas White from Accenture said: “The Sepsis Trust needed to respond quickly to the increased demand for their support and that’s why we have been working with them and Oberoi Business Hub on a Tech4Good project, using artificial intelligence and machine learning to add intelligent support prioritisation to their existing operation.”

The help line number is 0808 800 0029